Caution: If you want to "join" The Way

February 22, 20025

The current Way organization still lauds the corrupt Victor Paul Wierwille as their founding "man of God." About the Founder - Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille 

That's enough for me to categorize the current organization as corrupt. Its roots, due to Victor Paul Wierwille's (VPW) corruption, are rotten. He stole nearly the entire book about the holy spirit from J. E. Stiles's book. He plagiarized other men's work like B. G. Leonard's class about the holy spirit, which VPW made into The Power for Abundant Living Class. He also "borrowed" from E. W. Bullinger's many works.

Due to VPW's corruption, The Way's current "tree" cannot be any good no matter how "nice" any followers might be.

Many of us had first-hand experience with the authoritarian, narcissistic, abusive, predatory (sexual and financial), and cavalier plagiarist named Victor Paul Wierwille. We know that he stole most of his teachings that are found on tapes and in his books. Many of those books and tapes are still used today, or tweaked, or slanted this way or that by The Way and many of its offshoot "ministries."

We know the many women he seduced and raped and silenced. 

We know the public shaming and emotional abuse he inflicted on anyone who questioned him. 

We now understand how cults work and how they make extensive efforts to hide their corrupt histories like the one The Way has and cannot escape. 

We know that no matter how many fresh coats of paint you slather over filth, the filth is still underneath.

To any followers of this organization: ask where the money goes. Ask where the power lies. Ask what happens if you leave the group. Ask what happens if you disagree with the ideology. Question without fear. If this group is "of God," then how come they give no straight answers? How come they blame you for your "unbelief" for asking honest questions? 

Think for yourself.

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