The Certain Curtain: How Fundamentalism Hooks

Greetings, readers. The following is a version of a post I once published on my website The same is true of most posts I've included here on my Blogspot account. 

Protestant Fundamentalism and scholars who say useful things about it

By Charlene L. Edge

I'm thinking again about Protestant Fundamentalism and how it hooks believers. How does it do that? With the hook I call "certainty." 

Over the years, I've looked into how fundamentalists get hooked on certainty and found scholars who have something helpful to say about it. By the way, there are many kinds of fundamentalism. Most religions have a fundamentalist branch within their system that demands a literal interpretation of and obedience to its doctrines, and engages in black and white thinking. I mainly address Christian fundamentalism because I spent so long in that land of lost perspectives.

When I left The Way International, a Christian fundamentalist group, I tore down the curtain of certainty that had prevented me from considering a more realistic view of Scripture and of life. Through my work at The Way, I had learned how tricky translating the Bible could be and how leaders can manipulate Scripture to suit their agendas and control people.

So after I escaped from The Way, I spent a lot of time doing the nerdy thing: reading and thinking about my old fundamentalist views. I just wanted to understand the land I'd actually lived in for so long.

Change doesn't change

There's an old saying from centuries before Christ that a philosopher named Heraclitus is known for articulating: you can't step in the same river twice. 

In other words, because the water is always moving and the earth along the riverbank is always shifting, "the river" does not maintain a set identity. It's not exactly the same river at this moment that it was even a second ago. Too bad we have trouble applying that observable fact to much else in life, especially, it seems, when it comes to religion.

What the author Karen Armstrong can tell us about fundamentalist certainty

Maybe you've heard of the author of books about religions, Karen Armstrong. I don't agree with her every opinion, but I have read many of her books, and they are well researched and compelling.

In her book The Bible: A Biography (2007) she has this to tell us about fundamentalism and certainty. The first quote comes from a section describing the end of the nineteenth century.

"The rational basis of the modern world made it difficult—if not impossible—for an increasing number of Western Christians to appreciate the role and value of mythology. There was, therefore, a growing sense that the truths of religion must be factual and a deep fear that the Higher Criticism [studying the Bible's history, authorship, and origin of its various texts] would leave a dangerous void. Discount one miracle [in the Bible] and consistency demanded that you reject them all. If Jonah did not spend three days in the whale's belly, asked a Lutheran pastor, did Jesus really rise from the tomb?" (197)

"In 1881, Archibald A. Hodge, Charles's son [Charles Hodge was a professor at the Presbyterian seminary at Princeton, New Jersey], published a defense of the literal truth of the Bible with his younger colleague Benjamin Warfield. It became a classic: 'The scriptures not only contain but are the Word of God, and hence all their elements and all their affirmations are absolutely errorless and binding on the faith and obedience of men.' Every biblical statement - on any subject - was absolute 'truth to the facts.'" (199)

"... The belief in biblical inerrancy, pioneered by Warfield and Hodge, would, however, become crucial to Christian fundamentalism and would involve considerable denial. Hodge and Warfield were responding to the challenge of modernity but in their desperation were distorting the scriptural tradition they were trying to defend." (199)

So, erecting a curtain of certainty about the Bible being literally true, and then being certain about that, is a relatively new phenomenon that influences a large portion of the Christian population in America today. 

This interests me because while I was involved with The Way International, the founder, Victor Paul Wierwille, made this view of the Bible seem as if it were the original one we must "get back to," not a modern development.

A few serious words about what we don't know

Some of you know I'm a big fan of Bart D. Ehrman, professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In his book Jesus, Interrupted he writes about the history of the Biblical texts. This is important to me. If a person says he or she believes the Bible, they should first know where it came from, who wrote it, when it was written, how it got translated , etc. These facts matter. 

I suggest checking out Jesus, Interrupted as a source for finding helpful information to answer those questions. But if you have been a fundamentalist, be ready to learn what you've not known before.

Ehrman points out that

"This kind of information is relevant not only to scholars like me, who devote their lives to serious research, but also to everyone who is interested in the Bible—whether they personally consider themselves believers or not. In my opinion this really matters. Whether you are a believer—fundamentalist, evangelical, moderate, liberal—or a nonbeliever, the Bible is the most significant book in the history of our civilization. Coming to understand what it actually is, and is not, is one of the most important intellectual endeavors that anyone in our society can embark upon." (xi, xii).

Thanks for reading!



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